Silicon metal

Phone: +86-16692280000/18637276124
The uses of silicon metal are: the production of silicone rubber, the production of silicone resin, the production of silicone oil, the manufacture of high-purity semiconductors, and the preparation of alloys. 。
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The uses of silicon metal are: the production of silicone rubber, the production of silicone resin, the production of silicone oil, the manufacture of high-purity semiconductors, and the preparation of alloys.  1. Silicone rubber Silicone rubber has good elasticity and high temperature resistance, and is used to make medical supplies, high temperature resistant gaskets, etc.  2. Silicone resin Silicone resin is used in the production of insulating paint, high-temperature coating, etc.      3. Silicone oil Silicone oil is an oil, its viscosity is very affected by temperature, used in the production of advanced lubricants, glazing agents, fluid springs, dielectric liquids, etc., can also be processed into colorless and transparent liquid, as a high-grade waterproof agent sprayed on the surface of buildings.  4. Manufacturing high-purity semiconductors Almost all modern large-scale integrated circuits are made of high-purity silicon metal, and high-purity silicon metal is also the main raw material for the production of optical fibers, and it can be said that silicon metal has become the basic pillar industry of the information age.          5. Preparation alloy Silicon aluminum alloy is a silicon alloy with a large amount. Silicon aluminum alloy is a strong composite deoxidizer, replacing pure aluminum in the steelmaking process can improve the utilization rate of the deoxidizer, and can purify the molten steel and improve the quality of steel. Silicon aluminum alloy density is small, thermal expansion coefficient is low, casting performance and anti-wear performance is good, the alloy castings cast with it have high impact resistance and good high pressure compactness, which can greatly improve the service life, commonly used to produce space vehicles and auto parts.

Silicon metal



Silicon metal



Silicon metalSilicon metal

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