
Phone: +86-16692280000/18637276124
In the smelting process of iron and steel products, due to factors such as smelting time, heat preservation time, and long overheating time, the melting loss of carbon in the iron solution increases, resulting in a decrease in the carbon content in the iron solution, resulting in the carbon content in the iron solution not reaching the theoretical value expected by refining.
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In the smelting process of iron and steel products, due to factors such as smelting time, heat preservation time, and long overheating time, the melting loss of carbon in the iron solution increases, resulting in a decrease in the carbon content in the iron solution, resulting in the carbon content in the iron solution not reaching the theoretical value expected by refining.

Carbon-containing substances added to make up for the carbon content burned during the steel smelting process are called recarburisifiers.

海南克里斯商贸有限公司,Main Product Ferro Titanium Calcium silicon Spheroidizer ferrosilicon silicon carbide Recarburizer Metallurgical coke grains Calcium silicon And other business,Interested customers please contact us,Phone:+86-16692280000/18637276124

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