Ferro Titanium

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Ferro Titanium  is a special alloy with a relatively wide range of applications. It is added to steel as an alloy element during the steelmaking process, playing a role in refining the crystal structure, fixing interstitial elements (carbon and nitrogen), and improving the strength of the steel. 
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Ferro Titanium  is a special alloy with a relatively wide range of applications. It is added to steel as an alloy element during the steelmaking process, playing a role in refining the crystal structure, fixing interstitial elements (carbon and nitrogen), and improving the strength of the steel. When producing stainless steel and heat-resistant steel, titanium combines with carbon to form stable compounds, which can prevent the formation of chromium carbides, thereby reducing intergranular corrosion and improving the welding performance of chromium-nickel stainless steel. The product of titanium deoxidation is easy to float, and the nitrogen combined with it dissolves in the steel to form a stable and insoluble steel nitride. High-Ferro Titanium is also an indispensable alloy material for smelting iron-based high-temperature alloys and high-quality stainless steel, among others.                                                                                                                                        We can customize special standard ferro Tinanium  with low nitrogen, low aluminum, low carbon, low silicon, and other specifications according to the order details.

海南克里斯商贸有限公司,Main Product Ferro Titanium Calcium silicon Spheroidizer ferrosilicon silicon carbide Recarburizer Metallurgical coke grains Calcium silicon And other business,Interested customers please contact us,Phone:+86-16692280000/18637276124

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